Passing the hash with native RDP client (mstsc.exe)

TL;DR: If the remote server allows Restricted Admin login, it is possible to login via RDP by passing the hash using the native Windows RDP client mstsc.exe. (You’ll need mimikatz or something else to inject the hash into the process)

On engagements it is usually only a matter of time to get your hands on NTLM hashes. These can usually be directly used to authenticate against other services / machines and enable lateral movement. Powershell / PSExec, SMB and WMI are usual targets to pass the hash to, but it is also possible to use it to establish a RDP session on a remote host. Searching the Internet on how to do this unfortunately always leads to using xfreerdp, but I wasn’t able to find anything on the Internet regarding how to do this directly using the provided RDP client mstsc.exe, so I had to find out on my own.

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